Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Welcome to my blog!

There are few things in life that mean the most to me, but in order to get to know me, one must know what these things are. Before I dive into these things, let me introduce myself. My name is Noel Perez-White, and I would like to welcome you to my new blog: "This is an example blog." Within this blog, I will be sharing posts about what it's like to be a senior teacher at Urban Prep as well as some of my personal passions in life like writing, being a mom, and  teaching. This leads me into the things in my life that mean the most to me.

Writing is something I have always loved, as long as I can remember. I write for my own personal enjoyment almost everyday. The things I currently like to write are poems and short stories. I also love to write letters to people. Especially "snail mail," which are letters sent the old fashioned way. I have family out of state and I love to send them a letter once in a while as a reminder that I am thinking of them. Words are powerful- this is something I truly believe in my heart of hearts. For me, writing is a cathartic act, it is something I do to help process the many emotions that I experience day to day. One day, I hope to write a book. Until then, I will continue to write whenever I can as a way of self-expression. 

One of my favorite things to write about is my daughter. Becoming a mom has been one of the coolest and scariest journies I have ever taken, and I know it is just the beginning. My daughter is two and half years old and already has such a strong personality. It's pretty cool to watch her grow and develop her own sense of likes and dislikes. She already has favorite foods, animals, and movies. She loves blueberries and yogurt, takes a stuffed owl with her everywhere and wants to watch Moana at least 3 times a week. None of these things I've made her do- they just happened as time goes by. It's amazing to watch! 

I believe part of why I love watching my daughter grow and develop (besides the fact that she is my flesh and blood) is because I am a teacher. I am very passionate about my job as a teacher and I love what I do. It's not an easy job, at all! It takes a lot of patience and determination and even courage; however, there is nothing more that I would want to do. I am very proud and excited for my students who are seniors and quickly approaching the end of their high school career.

Anyone who knows me, knows these are things that describe who I am. Now that you know more about me, this blog will hopefully make more sense and be more enjoyable to read.

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